Fall essentials

Bisgaard rainboots

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Baby wraps

The finest and most beautiful wraps

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Amber jewelry for baby's, children and adults

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Silly Silas

Retro Baby & Children tights

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The Tula babycarrier

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The smooth and easy to use baby carrier

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All natural rubber pacifiers

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About Dragen in Schagen

Welcome to Dragen in Schagen I am Marije, married and mother of 3 beautiful sons. I'm the owner of Dragen in Schagen and also working as a physical education teacher. During my work as a teacher im stimulating healthy physical movements, but a healthy physical and emotional development begins right after birth. Carrying your baby in a baby wrap or ergonomic baby carrier stimulates this development. Read more



Inspiration, Tips & Tricks, Stories & Reviews



Alwero; the brand with the best woolen clothing Alwero is a Polish brand that makes beautiful woolen clothes for children and adults. The finest; the woolen clothing is made from 100% pure new wool, which has been obtained in an animal-friendly way. We already had the bodywarmers in our webshop for a while, but a […]

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What our customers say

We are a huge fan of our beautiful baby wrap and Storchenwiege baby carrier. Our little girls are very calm and quiet while wearing. I would recommend everyone a beautiful carrier from Dragen in Schagen.


After a conversation and good advise, i received my babywrap by PostNL in a nicely package. The babywrap is a real must-have for me and also beautiful for the eye.


So happy that i discovered Dragen in Schagen. Professional babywearing advise and the most beautiful brands in the webshop. I can recommend Dragen in Schagen to everyone who’s looking for a baby carrier. I’m a fan for sure!


You are at the right place if you are searching for a beautiful baby wrap, baby carrier or if you need any babywearing advise. Dragen in Schagen has an excellent customer service!



Super fast delivery! I’m very happy with my Babylonia Tricot-slen. We have already enjoyed many hours of babywearing.


Wearing your baby is the best feeling there is. Dragen in Schagen helped us to choose the perfect carrier for us.


Marije came to us for a baby wearing consultation. We now know how to wrap our little son safely in to the Little Frog baby wrap.


Im very happy with my beautiful baby wraps that i bought at Dragen in Schagen. A large collection, beautiful designs and a perfect customer service.

And i booked a babywearing consultation from the giftcards i’ve got from my friends, to learn how to wrap my baby.


I love the Storchenwiege baby wrap from Dragen in Schagen. Not only the the color and pattern is beautiful, wearing my baby in this wrap feels very comfortable.



Extremely happy with this Storchenwiege baby wrap.
From week 1 i carried my daughter with many love in this wrap.
And after many washes it is still beautiful. Great price/quality!


We are so happy with the beautiful We are Wovens babywrap.
We use it a lot, even when our little girl Jip’s get bigger.
Marije gave us good advice.


Frequently Asked Questions

I want to give someone a gift voucher as a present. Where can i order a gift voucher?

Yes, what a good idea! The Dragen in Schagen gift voucher can be used in the webshop, but also for a babywearing consultation.

You can order the gift voucher here.


I'm in need of a babywearing consultation. Where do i find more information?

You will find all information about babywearing consultations here.

What are the benefits of baby wearing?

It is natural for a baby to be close to his parents. Babywearing is a great practice for keeping your baby happy and to help build a stronger bond between parent and baby. Babywearing stimulates the attachment process.

There is no safer place to grow up than close to your mum or dad. Babies that are carried often cry less. That means that they have more energy to grow.

Babywearing is good for babies with reflux. By wearing in an upright position  your child will suffer less from reflux. The warmth of your body and the movement of walking is giving your child a natural massage and it will reduce the cramps.

Another practical benefit is that while you offer your child a safe place, you have your hands free for other things.
Wearing at crowded places or locations where you are less comfortable with a stroller suddenly becomes a lot easier with a baby wrap or baby carrier.

Ergonomic babywearing what does that mean?

All babywrap and carriers at Dragen in Schagen are ergonomic. That means:

      • upright carrying only, with legs out and baby’s hands close to baby’s chest or mouth to support the fetal tuck position.
      • Spread Squatting Position, the knees are at or above the level of baby’s bum.
      • Good head support. Baby’s head is supported with an open airway and is kept from falling to the sides or backwards.
      • A carrier is adjustable in order to accommodate different built children and babywearers.
      • When used properly, the wraps, ring slings and carriers provide a center of gravity close to the babywearer’s body to avoid backaches. The child should never be dangling in front or back.
      • The materials are breathable and natural.

* Reminder: Never wrap your baby in the “cradle” position. Carry your baby always in an upright position!

From which age can i carry my child?

If all safety instructions are considered it is possible to carry your baby from birth.

Consult an expert if your infant was born with a low birth weight, such as a premature or twins, or if your infant has respiratory illness. Extra vigilance is required with these babies.

Check your baby often while carrying, especially babies under 5 months of age.

What size baby wrap do i need?


      • Size 4: 3.7 m
      • Size 6: 4.6 m
      • Size 7: 5.2 m

Choosing the right size babywrap depends on which wrapping techniques you want to use. In general the size 6 is the most versatile size.

Size 4:
A size 4 is perfect for techniques were you need less fabric. You can front, hip and back carry with a size 4. For example you can use the Rucksack or Kangaroo carry, but many more are possible.

Size 6:
The size 6 is the most popular size. This size is perfect for the Front Wrap Cross Carry. The (newborn) baby front carry technique. But also the double hammock is an option. For parents with clothing size 44 or higher we recommend the size 7 wrap.

Size 7:
When you have clothing size 44 or higher we advise the size 7 for wrapping a newborn or baby. Parents with clothing size 38, 40 and 42 can also choose the size 7 when they prefer a little more fabric. A little extra fabric for the double hammock carry is

Sizing stretchy wraps

All stretchy wraps are around 5,5 meters long and one size fits all

Which brands sells Dragen in Schagen?

We sell the following brands:

Baby carriers:

Little Frog
Pure Baby Love

Baby wraps:

Little Frog
Pure Baby Love
We are Wovens
Beloved Slings

Where do you deliver?

We deliver our products to all countries within the EU.

Free shipping above 50,- euro, to The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.



  • Heerlijke baby items van Mushie. Je vindt ze in onze webshop. Van draagdoeken tot , hydrofiele doeken, pakjes, mutsjes en speelgoed. 

Bekijk het hele assortiment van Mushie via de link:


#mushie #drageninschagen #draagdoek #babywraps #dekentjes #babyuitzet #zwanger #zwangerschap #mama #natuurlijkouderschap #babykamer
  • Deze hele week shop je nog met 10% korting. Gebruik daarvoor code: december.

Geldig op alle orders boven de 50,- euro. 

Shop de mooiste duurzame kleding voor jouw baby of kindje. Of heerlijke wollen items voor jezelf. Baby draagdoeken en draagzakken, rvs drinkflessen en nog veel meer. Bekijk ons volledige assortiment op www.drageninschagen.nl .

#drageninschagen #alwero #draagzak #draagdoek #studionoos #mombag #tula #isara #24bottles #engelnatur #cosilana #ennogveelmeer
  • De temperatuur daalt en wollen slofjes zijn weer een musthave voor kleine kindjes. 

Heerlijk warme voetjes met deze prachtige wollen slofjes. Door het trekkoordje blijven ze goed zitten.

Bekijk alle kleuren op 

#alwero #alweroshop #wollenslofjes #babyuitzet #babyslofjes #natuurlijkouderschap #zwanger #zwangerschap #babyopkomst #drageninschagen
  • Het is herfst 🍂 en wij hebben de allerfijnste wollen items voor jou en je kindje. 

Wol draag je het hele jaar door. Zo kun je de wollen bodywarmers over een jurkje of shirtje dragen, maar ook over een vest of trui. In de winter draag je hem over een leuk jasje en zo heb je er het hele jaar door plezier van. 

Bekijk alle kleuren en modellen op onze website.


#drageninschagen #alwero #alweroshop #bodywarmer #kinderkleding #dameskleding #natuurlijkouderschap #duurzaam #wolletjes #wollenkleding
  • De allermooiste draagdoeken, voor jou en je kleintje.


#littlefrog #draagdoek #draagzak #babydragen #babywearing #ringsling #draagliefde #babyuitzet #zwanger #zwangerschap #moederschap #natuurlijkouderschap #drageninschagen
  • Onze collectie rvs broodtrommels wordt steeds groter en mooier. 

Deze lunchboxes van 24 bottles zijn ideaal voor tussendoortjes of een aantal boterhammen.

Het design is strak en stoer. Met het handige siliconen deksel maak je hem eenvoudig open. 

Deze trommels gaan jaren mee en daarom enorm duurzaam!

#rvs #lunchtrommel #lunchbox #lunchinspiratie #24kitchen #lunch #gezondelunch #24bottles #natuurlijkouderschap
  • Deze prachtige wollen deken is verkrijgbaar in een wieg en ledikant deken. 

Wol is het hele jaar door draagbaar en uitermate geschikt voor kleine kindjes.


#wiegdeken #ledikantdeken #wol #babyuitzet #zwanger #zwangerschap #borstvoeding #moederschap #natuurlijkouderschap #babykamer #kicolabel #alwero #alweroshop
  • Wij zijn groot fan van de Studio Noos tassen. Deze ruime shoppers zijn ideaal voor onderweg. Neem hem mee op vakantie, tijdens de boodschappen, als luiertas…. etc. Ruimte genoeg om al jouw spullen in mee te nemen. 

Bekijk alle prachtige items van Studio Noos via deze link;


#studionoos #drageninschagen #tassen #schoudertassen #mombag #babyuitzet #zwanger #zwangerschap #luiertas #ouderschap
  • Je kindje dichtbij en zelf je handen vrij. Ideaal! Voor mij was de draagzak onmisbaar.

We hebben weer zoveel prachtige en comfortabele draagzakken in ons assortiment.

Bekijk ze allemaal:


#draagdoek #draagzak #babycarrier #babywearing #babydragen #babyuitzet #zwanger #zwangerschap #moederschap #natuurlijkouderschap #kiind
  • De broekjes met bretels van Silly Silas hebben we al lange tijd in ons assortiment, maar ze blijven groot favoriet. 

Waarom deze broekjes zo geliefd zijn, vertellen we je graag. 

- Gemaakt van biologisch katoen
- Hebben een fijne stretch
- Blijven goed zitten vanwege de bretels
- Verkrijgbaar van 0-4 jaar 
- Eindeloos te combineren.
- Het hele jaar door te dragen
- Fijn geprijsd

Bekijk alle kleuren en varianten:


#sillysilas #broekjesmetbretels #babykleding #kinderkleding #baby #kind #babyuitzet #babykamer #zwanger #zwangerschap #moederschap #drageninschagen